
Benefits of Healers’ Digestive Health Enzyme Chews

Everyone knows that digestion is an important bodily function, but have you ever stopped to consider whether your dog’s digestive system is functioning at its best? Every animal needs a balanced gut to ensure food is broken down, nutrients are absorbed, energy is stored, and waste is excreted as needed. There are plenty of probiotics out there to benefit humans’ digestive tracts, but did you know your pup can also benefit from a probiotic assist?

The high temperatures required to create large quantities of pet foods can kill the helpful enzymes that are necessary for overall health and wellness. This can cause internal problems over time, so Healers PetCare created chicken-flavored, veterinary-strength Digestive Health Enzymes Chews to combat such issues. Our chews are packed full of ingredients that improve digestion, optimize your pup’s immune system, and enhance his or her overall health.

Read on to learn more about this important supplement and how it could benefit your animal companions.

What’s in our digestive chews, and why are the ingredients important?

When we created our digestive chews, we did so with your pup’s health and well-being in mind. Whether yours needs a general digestive boost or is suffering from an upset stomach, our Digestive Health Enzymes Chews have something to help him or her feel better in no time. They are custom formulated with proteolytic enzymes to support faster upset stomach recovery times, and include just the right combination of ingredients to ease digestion and encourage a balanced digestive tract.

Best of all, dogs of all sizes and ages can benefit from digestive enzyme supplements. We recommend one chew per day for dogs over 12 weeks in age, given between meals to achieve best results.

Curious about what we put in our Digestive Health Enzymes Chews? Here’s a list of ingredients and why each is so important:

Protease 300000 — an enzyme that eases the digestive process, regulates hormones, boosts immune functions, and reduces inflammation

Protesase — an enzyme that increases the rate of proteolysis, which is the process of breaking down and using ingested proteins

Lipase — an enzyme that increases the speed of the process involved in breaking down, transporting, and using ingested fats

Ganaden BC30 — produces lactic acid, which lowers intestinal pH and makes it less hospitable for bad bacteria. It also delivers live cells 10 times more effectively than common probiotic yogurt.

Alfalfa — an herb commonly used to increase urine flow for detoxification, treat upset stomachs, or as a source of calcium, iron, phosphorous, potassium, and vitamins A, C, E, and K4

Beef liver — rich in vitamin A, which is necessary for healthy skin, eyes, and immune system function. It is also a great natural source of iron.

Dextrose — a simple sugar animals need as a source of energy or for organ function

Dicalcium — a source of calcium and phosphorous

Flaxseed — helps fight skin irritants as well as boost cardiovascular health, energy levels, dental health, and digestion. It also offers both anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties.

Garlic — aids in treating upset stomachs, boosting immunity, reducing blood pressure, lowering cholesterol, and is a source of manganese, selenium, fiber, calcium, copper, phosphorous, iron, and vitamins B1, B6, and C

Ginger — root used to treat upset stomach and nausea. It also acts as a pain reliever, and includes properties to lower inflammation, infection, blood pressure, cancer, and indigestion.

Guar gum — a thickening and stabilizing agent to help the chew keep its shape

Licorice — root that helps to soothe upset stomach and reduce stress

Magnesium stearate — prevents ingredients from sticking together in medicines and supplements, thereby promoting better absorption and usage of each

Optimizer base — helps chew maintain its integrity

Parsley — herb that aids in relieving cramping, bloating, indigestion, and nausea. It also acts as a pain reliever and has been known to strength immune functioning.

Peppermint — a plant used to treat gastrointestinal distresses like irritable bowel syndrome, nausea, and pain. It contains properties that also help in reducing dental plaque, inflammation, itchy skin, infection, and more.

Silica — called a “beauty mineral” because it is key to hair and nail growth as well as boosting skin health

Stearic acid — a stabilizer used to help the chew keep its form

Wheatgrass — a grass known to help reduce stomach issues through antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It is also a good source of nutrients like amino acids, calcium, iron, magnesium, and vitamins A, C, and E.

White whey — source of protein to help your pup’s body use all the nutrients in the chew and promote overall health and wellness

Why use Healers’ Digestive Health Enzymes

When you give your pup a supplement, you want to trust one that is veterinarian-formulated and packed full of ingredients selected to do exactly what they need to do. You do not want to administer one that is full of fillers or unnecessary additions — you want a supplement that has been carefully crafted with your favorite companion’s health and wellness in mind.

Healers PetCare’s Digestive Health Enzymes were created to offer your pet the immune support, nutrient absorption, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory properties needed to live a full, healthy, and happy life. The chews do more than just keep digestion running smoothly, though. Our digestive enzymes also promote normal body weight, fight bad bacteria growth, promote normal cell generation, reduce minor food sensitivities, lessen skin irritation, and support healthy skin teeth and gums, among other perks.

Give your pup’s digestive tract the same love you give the rest of him or her. Here’s to happy and healthy living!

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