Booties for Dogs: Protecting Your Pup's Paws Against Dragging
Dog booties help keep your dog's paws safe, particularly when the ground is hot, wet, or covered in snow. Some dogs can really benefit from them, especially if they have furry paws that collect ice and snow between the toes and/or have a habit of dragging their paws.
One of the most common questions we get is, "My dog drags their paws creating sores, what boot is the best to use to protect them?”
One of the key diagnoses for this condition is degenerative myelopathy. Please see your veterinarian. For this neurological condition we typically recommend the Healers Medical Booties as it is a softer and very comfortable for an older pet. This soft slipper style boot is designed for healing, helping pets grip slippery surfaces, and to provide overall protection.
If you're planning to take your dog on long walks you may wish to choose our Urban Walkers Dog Booties. They offer a stronger sole (like your tennis shoes), are made of a mesh, and will hold up better on rough surfaces like concrete.
Both boots are a great choice for your pet it just depends on your use.
It is also important to keep in mind that a dog will sweat through their paws so breathable fabric is critical to prevent infection. If you put on an all rubber boot for a long period of time, complications could arise. It's important to have a boot that is open cell, breathes, and wicks away moisture, which both of our boots offer.
Our boots also wrap around the paw so they are easy to put on so you can get a good fit. The better the fit the better chance the boot will stay on. If the boot is too loose or too big it will fall off. This is why we offer half sizes in the Urban Walkers to allow you to choose different sizes for the front and back paws. The back paws can be smaller.
If you have any questions, we're here to help. Please email us at:
Terri Entler